The 2015 AMMCS-CAIMS Congress

Interdisciplinary AMMCS Conference Series

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | June 7-12, 2015

AMMCS Kolmogorov-Wiener Prize for Young Researchers

This year the AMMCS Kolmogorov-Wiener Prize for Young Researchers will also be awarded. The competition for this award is open to young researchers in the category of recent PhD graduates and postdoctoral fellows under the age of 35. The eligibility criteria include young researchers who

  1. have earned their PhD degrees within 5 years of January 1 of the year of the award;
  2. have at least two peer refereed publications, minimum one of which has appeared in an internationally recognized journal;
  3. have presented their talks at an AMMCS event in the year of the award.

The competition is open to both Canadian and international applicants. Details of the application package can be found at this page. Your complete application package should be sent with subject line "AMMCS Kolmogorov-Wiener Young Researcher Award" by June 5, 2015 to

Payment of the above award will be made to recipients after they have attended the conference.